Up on the Interstate

Life in a Post-Industrial Mill Town

My footsteps broke the silence

As they echoed off the windowpanes

This town feels like a victim of violence

And only memories remain


One day I walked past the old steeples

And thought about never turning back

But burning a decade’s worth of diesel

Would only have my lungs turning black


Some days I sit under the bridge

And dream of the things I never did


‘Cause up on the interstate

Nobody’s slowing down

They’re blowing right past this town

Like it ain’t even here

Up on the interstate

They’re gunning for their dreams

While I’m breaking at my seams

Just counting down the days until I disappear



Sometimes I wonder if they watch me walk

And feel sorry for the state I’m in

But I know they just make fun of the way I talk

To forget we share the same color skin


Today I’ll go sit up on the ridge

But feel like the water under the bridge


‘Cause up on the interstate

Nobody’s slowing down

They’re blowing right past this town

Like it ain’t even here

Up on the interstate

They’re gunning for their dreams

While I’m breaking at my seams

Just counting down the days until I disappear


They never asked me why

They just passed me by

They never asked me why

They just passed me by

They never asked me why

They just passed me by

They never asked me why

They just passed me by

